Vezo Hospital


AISIS4Social - Vezo Hospital

Follow-up needs

  1. Workstations: the hospital has around 10-15 Laptops in strong need of a technology refresh;
    Requirements: PCs Desktop or Laptop – optimum 8GB RAM (minimum 4GB) and i5 processor; Office suite to be installed locally on the laptops;
  2. Network: Local Network answers the basic needs.
    Requirements: 4 Wi-Fi access point outdoor + switch 16 ports;
  3. Internet connection: the existing bandwith supports only basic connectivity.
    Requirements: Strong need of an upgrade (local contacts activated);
  4. Server/back-up: the small server room is conditioned but the servers are PCs (switched off every night) and the back-up is made daily on a Pen Drive;
    Requirements: HW server for 2 Virtual machines + small NAS for storage and automated backup
  5. Medical devices: Ultrasound. The current device is broken. Laboratory analyzer needed as well.
    Requirements to be defined with Vezo Hospital.
  6. Alternative energy sources: the hospital is powered by solar panel. This source affords the basics but is expensive and insufficient. No others green sources are in use.
    Requirements to be defined with Vezo Hospital.

Presidenza AISIS

Segreteria AISIS

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